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XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language, pronounced as ‘zaml’) is the new declarative markup language used to create user interfaces. XAML combined with the Avalon graphics engine is one of the main pillars of the ‘Longhorn’ new generation OS from Microsoft. However, you don’t have to wait that long in order to use it. Sitecore V5 introduces a new feature called XML layouts. Now you can create rich and powerful user interfaces faster than ever before, using the XML markup and Sheer UI as a rendering engine.
Once you are done with this material, you will be able to advance to the Publish Queue Viewer article, which describes how to build a Publish Queue Viewer application that will show a list of Items waiting for publishing, showing how to work with most advanced and ready-to-use controls.
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnintlong/html/longhornch03.asp
- http://www.xaml.net/
- http://www.xamlblogs.com/
1.1. Sample Code
The examples used in this article are available for download. We recommend creating the objects and typing in the code yourself as this will help you understand the material, but if you don’t have time to do so, you can simply install the “firstxamlapplicationsample” package (available in the 'package' folder of the sample download) and have it all installed in seconds.
The firstxamlapplicationsample.zip Sitecore package will add the “SDN5 Samples” folder to the Sitecore menu. This menu includes the “Xml Playground” application.
The source code is also included. We recommend that you use Visual Studio .NET for viewing and modifying the code.